How to Create and Publish Exams on Gradely
Last Updated: January 8, 2021, 9:28 AMAs a teacher you can to easily create and publish exams on Gradely for your students. Want to get started? Just follow the steps below and you would have published your exam questions in no time! 1. Log into your Gradely Teacher Account. 2. On your dashboard, click on the “Assessment” tab. You will notice
As a teacher you can to easily create and publish exams on Gradely for your students. Want to get started? Just follow the steps below and you would have published your exam questions in no time!
1. Log into your Gradely Teacher Account.
2. On your dashboard, click on the “Assessment” tab. You will notice a plus “+” icon on the top right of the Assessment page. Click on the “+” icon to create a NEW Assessment.

3. Once you click on the “+” icon, a pop-up box will appear. Here, you’ll have to select whether you want to create a Homework, Examination or a Quiz. If you are creating an Examination, click on the “Exam” tab.
You can set a date and time for the examination by clicking on the calendar icon on your left. Note, you will notice another calendar icon on your right, this allows you to also set a due date. More so, ensure you select the subject for which you’re creating the examination. When you click on the subject tab, a drop-down menu will appear with a list of subjects to which you have assigned. Once you are through, click on CONTINUE.

4. After you have clicked on CONTINUE, another screen will appear. Here, you can select questions based on different topics on the examination subject you had previously chosen. These questions are already curated curriculum-aligned questions from Gradely’s question pool. Gradely allows you to select questions from by Difficulty level. Once done, click “Add to Exam” to continue.

5. Alternatively, Gradely gives you the option of creating your own questions. Once you have selected your choice of questions from the question pool and added them to your exam sheet, you will see a “+” icon on the top right of your exam sheet. By clicking on this icon, you can create your own questions.

6. Furthermore, while creating your own questions, you can decide whether you want the questions to be “Multiple Choice” or “True/False” questions by navigating to and clicking on the “TYPE-TRUE/FALSE” tab on the top of your exam sheet.

7. Include your question in the “Question Text” box as well as answers, then indicate the correct answers to your questions and also be sure to assign the created questions to a particular learning area by clicking on the ASSIGN TOPIC tab. Ones you have confirmed a learning area, you can go ahead and click on the CREATE tab.

- As soon as you click on CREATE, your questions will be added to the already curated question pool on Gradely. This means you have successfully created your own question, hence you can click on GO BACK TO QUESTIONS.

- The Go tab will take you back to your examination sheet. On the bottom right corner, click on PUBLISH. Well done! You have successfully created and published an examination for your students on Gradely.